Monday, August 30, 2010

RAKORNAS: Published on 30 October 2007

We are just having an annual formal meeting with the Government of Indonesia, and Aceh program is hosting that. Its called 'RAKORNAS' meaning 'National Coordination Meeting' and in Bahasa it is 'Rapat Koordinasi Nasional'. This is the 18th National meeting which is hosted jointly by the provincial government of Aceh and CARE Aceh.

Every year, this meeting will be held in different provinces, where CARE is working. Around 10 people from Central Government ministry and Government representatives from different provinces where CARE is working, will be attending this meeting.

This meeting is according to the agreement between CARE International and Government of Indonesia. During this meeting, Government will review the plans and programs of CARE and approve its existence in the country.

Though its very useful, its so formal and a complete waste of time, and we wonder looking at the government spending this much time with every registered NGO

Kudos.. Government of Indonesia

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