Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A day of cancellations: Published on 28 May 2007

Today is a very bad day for me! A day of cancellations!!

The day started with my boss coming and CANCEL my trip to India on certain dates. So I had to start cancelling my confirmed tickets and look for new ones.

By afternoon, we had to CANCEL 12 Purchase Orders related to one of our project, because of change in cetrain plans.

In the evening, we had to CANCEL the trip of a consultant due to some technical/ political reasons.

As I was running away from the office at 5:00 PM, I was again called for a meeting regarding some staff who are creating trouble due to uncertainity of their job role. After marathon discussions, we have decided to CANCEL their employment contracts with full pay till their end of their contracts.

So finally, I reached home at 8:00 PM. After hearing all this, one of my housemates said: Good Price for holidaying in Jakarta and Bandung!!

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