Monday, August 16, 2010

Kenaikan Yesus Kristus: Published on 16 May 2007

Today is Thursday, and surprisingly I woke up at 8:00 and sitting lazily in my couch drinking coffee. Every day, I wake up by 6:00 and will be out of my house by 7:30. So, what happened today??

Oh! today is an interesting holiday called 'Kenaikan Yesus Kristus' (Ascension of Jesus Christ). Its interesting because Indonesia is the country having largest Muslim population in the world. Yet they have many holidays for Christian, Hindu and Buddhist Religions.

According to the year 2000 Census, Indonesia has 88% Muslims, 9% Christians and 2% Hindus and 1% Buddhists and others. Though with overwhelming majority, Indonesia is not an Islamic state. For the past 50 years of Independence, several Islamic groups have tried to establish Islamic state. But the majority of mainstream Muslims reject the idea.

Even during 2002, several attempts were made in the Country's parliament, but with out much success. Notably, Aceh is the only province which has a special power to implement Shari'a Laws. Most of the issues in this province are dealt through Shari'a courts.

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