Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My bed is Shaking!: Published on 05 June 2007

Got up from slumber, when my bed started shaking at 3:30 AM local time. As usual, I looked at the keys hanging from the door, and they too are shaking. Ya, its an earthquake again!

I cling on to the bed, and carefully observing whether the intensity is increasing or not. The tremor has a horizontal vibration, and that's why the keys are shaking more than normal. I started coming into senses, and trying to recollect the doorway, exit door, locks, emergency stuff etc., But at after around 15 seconds the tremor stopped.

I tried to search for earth quake information by visiting USGS and BMG Indonesia websites, but they didn't have till now. But I got the first information from this website which I think feeds automatically (which might be less accurate) http://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/db/eqinfo.php

The info they collected is from 10 locations. The epicentre is west of Banda Aceh with a magnitude of 4.9

Region: Northern Sumatra, Indonesia
Origin time: 2007/06/05 20:32:47 UTC
Latitude: 4.94°N
Focal depth:n.d.

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