Monday, August 16, 2010

Most Stressful Week: Published on 12 May 2007

It’s the most stressful week in recent times. May be, because of that, my hair is turning white. I also had to come back from office on Thursday due to 'dengue' like symptoms. A design error was detected in the houses which are being built by us. They are not meeting the standards for with standing the earthquake. Since this area lies directly on a major fault line, this issue became an important one.

So, we have to spring into action, studying the technical designs, verification in the field, talking to contractors, staff and other parties to ascertain the seriousness of the problem. We finally found out that 700 houses (yes! seven hundred!!) are in serious question. Another 1,000 houses have manageable defects.

Now, what to do?? We had senior management meetings through out this week weighing the options. One of the major issues is that around 150 people are already living in those houses which are in serious question. What do we say to all the NGOs and the Government? Who is responsible for this mess? What to say to the people? How can we get them out of the houses? Where to accommodate them?

How do we handle the people who are waiting to move to their new houses?? Oh! Boy!! No body has answers!!!

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