Monday, August 30, 2010

Milad 4th December: Published on 03 December 2007

Milad is the anniversary of the declaration of Achenese Independence. It is a significant date in the local political 'conflict calendar'.The Declaration of Independence of Aceh was made at Tjokkan Hill, Tiro in Pidie by Hassan di Tiro on 4 Dec 1976. 4 Dec was chosen as the date to make the declaration because it was the day after Dutch forces killed the last Head of State of Acheh, Tengku Tjhik Maat di Tiro (Hasan di Tiro's uncle) in the battle of Alue Shot, Pidie in 1911.

The declaration of Independence came to a halt in 2005 with a peace agreement brokered between Indonesian Government and GAM (Gerakan Aceh Merdeka, Free Aceh Movement).

One of the significant events on this day is hoisting ‘Bulan Bintang’ Flag (the flag of Free Aceh Movement). The police and the military met with KPA (Aceh Transitional Committee) leaders and was agreed that there would be no hoisting of the Flag. Meanwhile GAM (Free Aceh Movement) Aceh Besar planned to celebrate the ‘Milad’ with ‘Kenduri’ (ritual meal) with hundreds orphan of GAM members who died during the conflict. KPA says that there might be some activities by some individuals, but this spirit will slowly fade away.

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