Friday, July 23, 2010

My right knee is sprained: Published on 03 Feb 2007

I am having a sprain in my right knee. It started suddenly on Thursday evening when I was trying to come out of my room to go home. I couldn't walk, and slowly went to my chair and sat.

Earlier that day, I went to the field to inspect the construction activities done by the contractor and came back. I have jumped, climbed, scratched, kicked various walls to ascertain proper quality. I don't know whether that made a problem.

There is no swelling or pain when I sit, but when I start walking, I am having little pain in my knee. Today morning, as it is a non working day, I called up our security to issue a radio message for a vehicle. I called up our Doctor, and she took me to the hospital for x-ray.

But, there was no orthopedist available on Saturday. Most of the private clinics are closed on Saturday and Sunday. So we went to emergency section for an x-ray, but they suggested that it would not be useful if no body is going to look at it. I have asked, what will people do if they met with an accident on Saturday. They told, if it is extreme emergency, they they will handle some how.

Apparently, there is only one orthopedist in Banda Aceh, and he keeps on traveling. People normally take the injured to near by Medan for treatment.

So, I got some useless pills, and had some shopping and reached home. My house mate, after hearing the story telling that one should not get sick on Saturday and Sunday.

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