Sunday, July 25, 2010

Finally Returned Back....: Published on 12 Apr 2007

I have returned back from the trip to my home in India on Tuesday. I spent two weeks at home with my family and children. My parents have also came down to see me.

It is supposed to be a leisurely break, but normally it turns out to be hectic. There will be numerous household duties which requires to be fulfilled. Some plumbing, some repairs, shopping, visits to friends and family etc.,

Any way its a break, some thing different from normal work schedule, which I have enjoyed much. My children are growing fast, and the little one followed like a shadow all the time. I have some how escaped to come back here....

After I came back from break, I found my housemate missing. Later I found out that he has shifted to another house. My another housemate is also on leave. So I am forced to stay alone for this whole week. What a drastic change from being surrounded by people at home few days back to just being alone..

At work, couple of things which went wrong in my absence, are being rectified now. One of the biggest issue is around fleet... no vehicle today for our department. They say that we didn't put an order. I had to run around to get it right, and hopefully there will be again vehicles for us..

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