Friday, July 23, 2010

Hygiene Promotion Strategy: Published on 12 Feb 2007

I am preparing a strategy for Hygiene Promotion. We have trained our staff in MPA- PHAST and they are ready to get into assessments. We are hiring an expert to lead the staff in doing assessments.

According to the strategy, the Hygiene Promotion consists of 10 steps, such as:

Step 1: Preliminary training for staff (MPA PHAST)
Step 2: Qualitative Assessments
Step 3: Selection of Target Behaviors
Step 4: Develop Hygiene Promotion Strategy
Step 5: Collect Quantitative Data (baseline)
Step 6: Producing and testing of promotional material
Step 7: Train community workers/ other NGO staff
Step 8: Launching a Promotional Campaign
Step 9: Midterm Evaluation (2008)
Step10: Final Evaluation (2009)

Now, we are focusing on the second step- Qualitative assessment. The qualitative assessment will explore the behavioral patterns in the following areas, but not limited to these areas only.

1. Collection and storage of drinking water
2. Usage of Latrine for Children over 3 years of age
3. Usage of Latrine for all household members
4. Handling of faeces handling for Children under the age of three
5. Hand washing practice at critical times using critical techniques
6. Hand washing practice at critical times for mothers

We hope that we would come out with a strategy by the end of March, 2007.

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