Saturday, June 26, 2010

Bore Holes in Aceh: Published on 05 Dec 2006 at 17:23:10 Hrs

Today we have received a letter from Indonesian Government regarding bore holes. Since NGOs are drilling so many bore holes, there is an imminent risk of ground water contamination in the operational areas. Government wants all the NGOs who are planning for drilling bore wells have to take prior permission from them.

This is one way good if the intended intensions are met. The only concern is that they should not become a bureaucratic affair. It also creates a check point for the NGOs who want to quickly finish the work with out following proper rules and regulations.

I have started mapping the boreholes which are drilled by CARE. I also have a plan to do proper survey and assessment of all the boreholes available in this area. It’s like a database similar to the one which is being done by DACAAR in Afghanistan.

I have a vague Idea that UNICEF is doing some information collection on Bore wells. I need to check with them in my next meeting. The study of one of our projects is related to Salt Water Intrusion in the costal aquifers of this area. This bore well analysis will be very useful to determine up to what extent the salt water had intruded into the freshwater aquifers.

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