Saturday, June 26, 2010

Barracks in Shambles: Published on 09 Dec 2006

There was big commotion yesterday regarding a project Transitional WATSAN yesterday. There were reports in the press that the barracks are in very bad condition. Even though that the name of CARE is not mentioned, CARE is the major player in providing Water and Sanitation facilities in the Barracks. The communications department wants to rectify the situation of the barracks by next Friday with out fail. Because of the elections on Monday, press is already here and the focus will shift to the Tsunami Relief immediately after the elections were over. Last week, people from CARE Germany visited the sites and were very unhappy with the situation in the barracks. The have promised any amount of money immediately to rectify the situation.

Barracks are temporary establishments which are built for the displaced people whose houses are destroyed by Tsunami. Since they resemble Military Barracks, NGOs also call them as Barracks. It seems that CARE is working in 11 barracks in this area.

We have immediately swung into action. The priority areas will be desledging the septic tanks, filling the water stagnant areas with boulders and gravel, repairing water supply pipes and installing jet pumps for water supply. We have planned and organized few people and trucks for the work. Now we have people and we have money, but we need to go through the Procurement process. Since we finalized our plan by 7:00 PM, all the procurement staff left the office and went on a holiday due to the long week end.

Finally we had to negotiate with the head of procurement and did lots of other things, and by today morning, 2 desledging trucks are in the site with four of my staff!!

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