Saturday, June 26, 2010

Solar Water Pump: Published on 15 Jan 2007

I have visited Solar Water Pump which was installed by our ACCESS Team. ACCESS is the name of a project which aims at equal access to water and sanitation. The Solar pump was installed in a village Lampulo (Tgk. Di Sayang Lr. 3), Kuta Alam Sub District, Aceh Besar District. The site is approximately 10 meters from the river and 700 meters from the sea. The total number of house holds in this village are 250.

Indonesia has high solar insulation of around 5 kWh/m2/d. There have been some 25,000 solar home systems distributed and installed throughout the country already. The estimated installed capacity is 3 MWp. PV technologies are already being used for lighting, water pumping, refrigeration and communications. As part of the intervention, we would like to demonstrate alternate technologies like wind and solar energies to the communites. Since wind energy is quite tricky, we have decided to go ahead with Solar water pump. There was a borehole which is drilled by an agency called IOM in the premises of Meunasah (little Mosque) and we have decided to utilise it for installing water pump. So a Solar water pump was installed, a water tank was erected on the top of 10 meter tower, and the water from the bore well is being pumped by a submersible pump powered by solar energy. Public stand posts were erected in three different locations in the village for people to access safe water.

After the installation, Various parameters would be monitored using different participatory methods. These include
1. Peoples acceptance of alternate technology
2. Improvement of access to water and sanitation to the poor and vulnerable communities
3. Changes in Community ownership and management
4. Impact of alternate energy on other stake holders like PDAM (Piped Water Supply Company)

If the assessment is positive, we will see more systems like this in the near future

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